Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Lab report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lab Report Example This provided input or output voltages of -10V to +10V. 2. Connect the BNC cable, shown in Figure 2 below, to Thermistor/Pressure EX J17 on the signal condition ââ¬Ëpizza boxââ¬â¢ on the side of computer cart to the pressure transducer interface box BNC connector labeled ââ¬Å"Excitationâ⬠. 3. Capture the signal generated by the pressure transducer. Connect the Thermistor /Pressure output signal to J8 that has an SCC-FTO1 module that acquired the analog voltage and pass it into data acquisition System. 2. The instrument had a linearity of 0 .1 0 0 6, hysteresis 0.0 0 8 0 and combination of 0. 1 0 0 6 as shown in the above table 2. Maximum amplitude found on the CRO was 0.9and minimum at 0. 1 at time 0.0 0 and 1. 0 m respectively as shown in figure 6 below. Some of the data obtained deviated due to change in the environment temperature affecting the pressure of the area. This was rectified by performing the experiment under controlled environment of controlled pressure and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Understanding McDonalds history and strategy analysis
Understanding McDonalds history and strategy analysis McDonalds Corporation is the worlds largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily through more than 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries worldwide. McDonalds sells various fast food items and soft drinks including, burgers, chicken, salads, fries, and ice cream. Many McDonalds restaurants have included a playground for children and advertising geared toward children, and some have been redesigned in a more natural style, with a particular emphasis on comfort: introducing lounge areas and fireplaces, and eliminating hard plastic chairs and tables. Each McDonalds restaurant is operated by a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. The corporations revenues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. McDonalds revenues grew 27% over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9% growth in operating income to $3.9 billion. History analysis: The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. Their introduction of the Speedee Service System in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The original mascot of McDonalds was a man with a chefs hat on top of a hamburger shaped head whose name was Speedee. Speedee was eventually replaced with Ronald McDonald in 1963. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc, in Des Plaines, Illinois on April 15, 1955 , the ninth McDonalds restaurant overall. Kroc later purchased the McDonald brothers equity in the company and led its worldwide expansion and the company became listed on the public stock markets in 1965. With the expansion of McDonalds into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Its prominence has also made it a frequent topic of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility. McDonalds Corporation pioneers the training of its franchise owners in 1961 with the opening of Hamburger University. This move was aimed to maintain manager and franchisee loyalty in spite of a highly competitive market. First Mcdonals in 1940 Strategic Planning Strategy is defined as the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals. The time length for strategies is arbitrary, but is probably two, three, or perhaps as many as five years. It is generally determined by how far in the future the organization is committing its resources. A strategy may include major policies. The purpose of strategies, then, is to determine and communicate, through a system of major objectives and policies, a picture of the kind of enterprise that is envisioned. They furnish a framework for guiding thinking and action. Their usefulness in practice and their importance in guiding planning do, however, justify the separation of strategies as a type of plan for the purpose of analysis. Under how the marketing plan supports strategic objectives Phillip Kotler defines marketing as Satisfying needs and wants of the customers through an exchange process. Strategic objective means core objective of company is achieved by some strategy. McDonalds main objective is globalization. McDonalds CEO and marketing executive periodically faces urgent strategic marketing challenges that can affect the future of the company for many years. Frequently these decisions are made without having an opportunity to study the situation and make the best possible decision. A better approach is to perform an annual comprehensive review of markets and opportunities, then make long-term strategic decisions without the distractions of day-to-day marketing and sales activities. Daily decisions then fit into the companys overall strategic marketing goals. Strategic marketing planning process to look at the McDonalds from the customers point of view by asking questions that have a long time horizon, such as: What needs or problems cause customers to consider buying from our McDonalds? What improvements in the customers personal or business life can we enable or improve? Which customer market segments are attracted to McDonalds? 1.2 identify the component parts of the marketing plan Situation Analysis External Analysis Customer Analysis Internal Analysis SWOT Analysis Situation Analysis The situation analysis helps to determine where our organization presently stands. It should examine whats going on outside of the organization, whats happening with consumers, and how the business is functioning internally. External Analysis What external changes are taking place in target market (city, county, state, country and around the world) that could potentially impact McDonalds business? Some things to investigate are: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Changes in political positions and legislation national levels à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Changes in technology (new equipment) à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Trends and taste in societys values and habits à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Competitors à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Economic conditions (purchasing power) Customer Analysis Before developing a marketing plan its important to find out what consumers want and how they make purchase decisions. This may require some marketing research. Think about these factors: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Potential customers à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Consumer buying behavior à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Which item is more sale then other and why? Internal Analysis Knowing the state of the McDonalds and its resources helps to determine where it is strong and what areas need attention. The following also include in the marketing plan à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Current state of human resources à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Businesss performance according to competitors SWOT Analysis Conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis is essential in assessing the companys position and serves as a guide to developing marketing plans. Benefits of a SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis provides a fairly simple, low-cost way of assessing the companys position. It presents information that is important in developing business and marketing plans, as well as setting organizational goals and objectives. It tells you where the company currently sits, and where it needs to go in the future. When McDonalds conduct SWOT analysis à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Examine your companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from a customers perspective. If youre having trouble viewing issues that way, ask customers what they think through feed back form which is present on very McDonalds or conduct surveys to view over all target market. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Separate internal issues from external issues. The companys strengths and weaknesses are internal; opportunities and threats are external. The main think is, first McDonalds analysis these two other factors are present in us yes or not. If the answer is yes, the issue should be classified as external. Some things to consider about company when determining your strengths and weaknesses are: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Size à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Scale à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Customer Perceptions (changing taste, what they need new) McDonalds is doing some research on existing competitors, industry, and the environment in order to complete the opportunities and threats portion of your SWOT analysis. Here are some main points to consider: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Trends in the competitive environment à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Trends in the technological environment (update technology) Once McDonalds finished his SWOT analysis, include the resulting strategy in business and marketing plans. Some key actions to take include à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Transform strengths into capabilities by matching them with opportunities in the environment. Strength: The company has a very efficient order fulfillment and process very fast way Opportunity: There is an unfulfilled need for the companys product in other countries Capability: The Company is capable of providing its taste worldwide à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Convert weaknesses into strengths by investing strategically in key areas. Weakness: Employees are not familiar with the latest technology (lack of on job trainings) Investment: sends employees to classes, workshops, and conferences Strength: Employees now have inside information on cutting edge technology à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Weaknesses that cannot be converted into strengths become limitations. Any limitation that is obvious and meaningful to consumers must be minimized. Meaning to consumers: Consumers may not be able to find the new items verity Minimization: Allow consumers to purchase through other channels, such as McDonalds open parcel window if any person want to take away he dont need to stand in queue in side the McDonalds, he drives to that window and make order. 2.2 Mitigation Plan1 A defined set of tasks agreed upon by appropriate members of the Project Team that will be executed in the current weeks Project Plan with the express purpose of reducing a given Risks Likelihood and/or Impact. All Risks with a Likelihood of 3 or more and/or an Impact of Operational or Profound must have a defined Mitigation Plan. (NOTE: a given Project Team may choose to define Risk Mitigation Plans for Risks with lower Likelihood and/or Impact rankings). All tasks in the Mitigation Plan should be assignable to a single accountable resource associated with the Project. Each Task must be granular enough to be accomplished within one weeks time by the assigned resource, i.e. the tasks listed in a given Risks Mitigation Plan are expected to flow from the Risk Matrix onto the teams Project Plan. (NOTE: For Mitigation Plans whose complete Task Set requires more than one week to complete, the Project Team may find it helpful to indicate in this Risk Matrix column from we ek-to-week which of the specific tasks in the Mitigation Strategy have been completed to better help in the visual tracking of the progress of the Mitigation Strategy.) 2.3 Marketing plan Four steps of market plan are following: Conduct a communications marketing analysis Establish objective Create a budget Prepare a promotional strategy Conduct a communication market analysis Competitive analysis Opportunity analysis Target market analysis Customer analysis Positioning analysis Competitive analysis Fries of identify our major competitor and communication strategies and tactics of each competitor. Scour the landscape for competing and similar events that are happening around the same time. We Find out what similar events is charging for admission; consider how your product differs from theirs and what will give you the edge. We can turn similar competing events into an advantage through joint promotions. But be careful, as joint promotions can sometimes confuse the marketplace. à · Number and size of major competitors and Particular strengths and weaknesses of competitors à · Cost or funding advantages that competitors have à · Pressure from substitute products (home entertainment products and services). Opportunity analysis We see competitor what are their opportunities. Where your product will exist your competitor is heavily saturated. Whats opportunity that is not being followed? Are your competition is ignored by customer. Target market analysis Here are some examples of the kinds of markets you might be targeting. If we dont have this information from our own ongoing research, we can put together a profile from reading the research of others. For example, we can obtain magazine readership profiles from the advertising department and many arts funding agencies have market research. This is a step-by-step guide to creating a campaign strategy Market size: To make a successive product you must need to collect information about market and his size and segment. Mostly people have didnt knowledge about computer due lack of interest and knowledge. Our product barrier is very small network of telecommunication and high prices in computer prices. Customer analysis Identify the current customer of the company and your competitor. Analyze who is potentially customer who do not purchase the product but may become interested. Then analyze your product customer like whats his age, sex employee, unemployed, and his psychograph profile which is given below: à · Age: 40% aged 40 to 54 and 45% 18 to 39 à · Sex: 25% female à · Employment:70% working à · Psychographic profile: 45% experiential cluster, Experience new groups and enjoy new and different things. Attracted to visually interesting performances and like to be made to think. Positioning analysis All promotions are related to our or our companys overall market positioning for us or our company. Positioning differentiates your company or offers our competition and should appeal to our target market. Market positioning Look at other companies, how they promote themselves, their audiences, their location, their programming. We differentiate organization or event in relation to the competition. Here are some examples: à · The market leader, the market challenger. à · As attracting younger or older audiences, family audiences, cutting edge or more mainstream audiences à · Your spectacular location, entrance policies Establish communication objective Our product advertising mission is to making an effective advertisement according to our budget and cost effective advertising. Our objective is as follow: Develop brand awareness Change consumer beliefs or attitude Increase good/service category or attitude Enhance purchase actions Encourage repeat purchase Build consumer traffic Enhance firm image Increase market share Increase sales. Create a communication budget Percentage of sale Meet the competition What we can afford Objective and the task Quantitive model Prepare communication strategy Communication is not just about persuasion its about education and image-building, about listening to and engaging with people of all ages from all kinds of backgrounds. The theory of communication Introduction Know yourself Know your audience Know your competitors Market positioning WRITING YOUR COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY Introduction Communication objective Target Audience à Key Messages Key Selling Points Personality and Tone COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICE Introduction Communications Channels Words The Image
Friday, October 25, 2019
Stress and stain :: essays research papers
à à à à à Simple Stress and Strain à à à à à à à à à à The strength of materials are expressed from the point of view of machine designer. A machine designer needs to know the properties of different materials so that he can select the most suitable material for each part of a machine. A machine designer uses his information of stress to make sure that the stress is reasonable and that each part of the machine is sufficiently strong. Strength of materials is the scientific area of applied mechanics for the study of the strength of engineering materials and their mechanical behavior in general (such as stress, deformation, strain and stress-strain relations). Strength is considered in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength, and shear strength, namely the limit states of compressive stress, tensile stress and shear stress respectively. à à à à à One can see the importance of stress and strain. They are an indication of how severely the part in machine is loaded and how it is a factor that determines whether the forces applied are reasonable. Stress and strain always occur together. When a material is subjected to stress, it deforms, and when a material is deformed there must be strain. If the stress and strain are not the same for all materials, then it is found by experiments There is a relation between the stress and the strain for any given material. It said, when the relationship between the two are given, the stress and the strain can be found in one another. All materials deform when subjected to stress and it is necessary to be able to calculate the deformation of a body under load, because in most cases the deformation is more momentous than the stress. à à à à à à à à à à Stress is in all probability the most imperative word in the subject matter of strength of materials. Stress is defined as force per unit area. It has the same units as pressure, and in fact pressure is one special variety of stress. However, stress is a much more complex quantity than pressure because it varies both with direction and with the surface it acts on. The simple stress are: compression (stress that acts to shorten an object), tension (stress that acts to lengthen an object), and shear (stress that acts parallel to a surface). Shear can cause one object to slide over another. It also tends to deform originally rectangular objects into parallelograms. The most general definition is that shear acts to change the angles in an object.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Great Traditions In Ethics Essay
The overcoming of the fear of death figures as a key component of Epicurean philosophy. Because the Epicureans valued above all other accomplishments, the living of a good life and that ââ¬Å"pleasure is the end of all morality and that real pleasure is attained through a life of prudence, honor, and justiceâ⬠the acknowledgment in Epicurean philosophy that the fear of death intrudes upon individual happiness is not at all the same as admission that fear of death is an insurmountable condition, (ââ¬Å"Epicureanismâ⬠). To the contrary, the epicurean philosophy seeks forts to identify the root causes of the fear of death, which are: ââ¬Å"1) The fear of being dead. 2) The fear that one will die, that oneââ¬â¢s life is going to end. 3) The fear of premature death. 4) The fear of the process of dyingâ⬠and for each of these considerations, Epicurean philosophy provides a response. The intention of epicurean philosophy is to persuade its adherents that ââ¬Å"death is not bad for the person who dies although death is inevitable and is the total annihilation of that personâ⬠; despite the belief in ââ¬Å"total annihilationâ⬠Epicurus held no regard for death itself. The basic center of the Epicurean refusal to fear death lies in the epicurean belief that ââ¬Å"God should not concern to us. Death is not to be fearedâ⬠and these facts are unchangeable despite oneââ¬â¢s subjective, emotional reactions. because death means the end of consciousness and the total annihilation of the individual, nothing exists beyond death which may cause fear at all,(Warren 4-7). It is only by admitting the fear of death and addressing it straight on through applied logic rather than religion or mysticism that the fear of death can be conquered. The Epicureans regarded the overcoming of the fear of death ââ¬Å"at the very heart of their ethical project. They identified the goal of a good life as the removal of mental and physical pain. Mental pain they further characterized as anxieties and fearsâ⬠because fear of death causes pain to the individual it must be overcome and it can be overcome by logical acceptance of the fact that death holds no pain for the person who experiences it. (Warren 6) Just as the fear of death prevented many individuals from achieving happiness in life, justice (or lack thereof) provides enmity to happiness in the Epicurean ethical tradition. For Epicurus, laws and justice are a matter of personal bearing and dignity as well as intelligence and experience. Under an Epicurean ethic, in a ââ¬Å"world full of Epicurean sages there would be no need for written prescriptive laws. Everyone in that case would be able to see and remember what contributes to the utility of the community and would act accordinglyâ⬠(Warren 183). The idea of breaking a rule of justice is wrong because it causes the eventual pain or threat of pain or disturbance to otersââ¬â¢ happiness as well as oneââ¬â¢s own. Unlike Epicurus, St. Augustine sees the need for rigid law to control human society and he envisions this law emanating directly fro the Divine. In his distinction between the ââ¬Å"City of Godâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"City of Menâ⬠he makes clear that the ââ¬Å"church is divinely established and leads humankind to eternal goodness, which is Godâ⬠and that in the ideal city, ââ¬Å"The state adheres to the virtues of politics and of the mind, formulating a political community. Both of these societies are visible and seek to do good. â⬠(Bonner 54) By contrast, the City of Man exists to serve selfishly driven needs and does not partake of the Divine spirit of creation and Divine Law. â⬠The idea of self-love against the love of God separates the two cities an idea which ââ¬Å"springs from what Augustine was afterwards to regard in The City of God as the architect of the Earthly Cityââ¬âlove of self to the contempt of Godâ⬠(Bonner 54).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Children of the Taliban
Children of the Taliban 1. The government school system has completely collapsed. The lack of funding and cohesiveness amongst educators and government has caused the system to literally crumble. School buildings are also in war zones and a lot of them are structurally unsafe at this point. They have been replaced by schools of the Taliban. The Taliban actually offer guaranteed food and shelter to the children who attend their schools.Parents will even receive a monthly stipend. While madrassas are usually seminaries that teach different schools of thought, the Taliban use them to teach radically Islamic fundamentalism. Basically, they are brainwashing children into becoming jihadists or martyrs. On camera the man stated madrassas are used to teach children to play a positive role in society and that peace and love are vital to success. This was not the same explanation when the camera was off. 2.Over a million Pakistanis live in refugee in their own country because the Taliban are s uch a strong presence, the Pakistani military doesnââ¬â¢t have enough resources to provide protection to every citizen. Ironically, the Pakistani army is not so great either as they take over homes if needed. So, to escape war zones, jihadist recruitment, and death, Pakistani citizens are forced to leave their own homes. This is the largest internal displacement of a population of citizens. 3.Because these people have been living daily with war, many of them have become accustomed to the sound of explosions and gunfire. For example, when the children were being interviewed, gunshots and bombs went off, yet the two little girls were completely calm. Depending on their influence, people either begin to grow resentment for the Taliban, the Pakistani government, or the United States. When civilians get hurt from U. S. missile strikes, the Taliban use the aftermath to recruit children.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Marine Animal diversity and adaptation to life in the seas and ocean.
Marine Animal diversity and adaptation to life in the seas and ocean. IntroductionOceans and seas cover over 70% of the world's surface, and include some of the most productive environments on the planet (Michaelis Carocci, 2000). There are an estimated 300,000 know marine species and they represent more phyla than in terrestrial environments. Life is unevenly distributed with areas of the deep oceans relatively void of life compared to coastal regions. Species diversity is higher in coastal rather than oceanic regions, and higher in tropical regions than arctic and temerate zones (Andre, 2005). Marine environments provide a wide range of physical conditions that organisms have become highly adapted to. In coastal areas for example, many organisms are euryhaline and eurythermal withstanding the wide fluctuations of salinity and temperature in their environments. Pelagic species living in the water column are adapted for floatation The majority of species are benthic and have adapted to remain on the sea floor and sustain high pressures (CHAPTER 12, 20 05; Doberski, 2005).Sun flower Sea Star, Phylum Echinodermata in North...Adaptations to marine life across different phyla:Phylum ChordataMarine mammals, such as the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) show many adaptations to life in the water. As they originated from terrestrial environment they must come to the suface to breathe air. Adaptations for this include having a blowhole with a strong valve which opens briefly ensuring no water enters the lungs, located on the top of their heads so that they can breath whilst the rest of their body remains in the water. They give birth to precocious young that are able to swim to the surface to breath immediately and maintain homeostasis (ANON., Ocean Life; Dipper, 2005).As water has a high viscosity and is hard to move through, dolphins have adapted a streamlined body shape, replacing the top layer of skin cells as often as every 2-4 hours helping to keep the...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Human Cloning3 essays
Human Cloning3 essays Most people panic when they hear the words Human Cloning. Crazy thoughts run through their heads, imaginations run wild. They think of the world being run over by a million little Hitlers. They think of people thinking exactly like one another, and that no person would be different. And for some reason because of cloning, the world, as we know it will cease to exist. Cloning to some people is even considered evil. Most religious people believe that it is Playing God, they think that mankind is not supposed to have this power. Cloning, however, is not a magical way of creating life. It is a scientific procedure that will save many lives, cure diseases and let infertile couples have biological children of their own. Many mammals have already been cloned successfully and lead normal lives. The clone will not be the exact same person as the donor. They will look alike and have the same genes, but they will not talk, think, or act alike. In fact, if someone attempted to clone Hitler they might end up with a moderately talented artist. Neither will the clone start off at the same age as the donor. If the donor is 35 the clone will start off as a normal baby. The benefits of human cloning are many. One of the most crucial problems in the world is finding organ donors that have compatible organs with the person that needs them. If there is a patient with a very rare blood type, chances are that they will die before they find a match. Using cloning technology, you can clone a persons organs, grow them, and then use them for a transplant. The organ is guaranteed to be 100% compatible with the patient. This procedure could save millions upon millions of lives. I can not understand how anyone could say that we have A moral obligation to ban cloning when it could save millions of peoples lives. I am sure if it was ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A History of the German Revolution of 1918 19
A History of the German Revolution of 1918 19 In 1918 ââ¬â 19 Imperial Germany experienced a socialist-heavy revolution that, despite some surprising events and even a small socialist republic, would bring a democratic government. The Kaiser was rejected and a new parliament based at Weimar took over. However, Weimar ultimately failed and the question of whether the seeds of that failure began in the revolution if 1918-19 has never been decisively answered. Germany Fractures in World War One Like the other countries of Europe, much of Germany went into World War One believing it would be a short war and a decisive victory for them. But when the western front ground to a stalemate and the eastern front proved no more promising, Germany realized it had entered into a prolonged process it was poorly prepared for. The country began to take the necessary measures to support the war, including mobilizing an enlarged workforce, dedicating more manufacturing to arms and other military supplies, and taking strategic decisions they hoped would give them an advantage. The war went on through the years, and Germany found itself increasingly stretched, so much so it began to fracture. Militarily, the army stayed an effective fighting force until 1918, and widespread disillusion and failures stemming from morale only crept in towards the end, although there were some earlier revolts. But before this, the steps taken in Germany to do everything for the military saw the ââ¬Ëhome frontââ¬â¢ experience problems, and there was a marked change in morale from early 1917 onward, with strikes at one point numbering a million workers. Civilians were experiencing food shortages, exacerbated by the failure of the potato crop over the 1916-17 winter. There were also fuel shortages, and deaths from hunger and cold more than doubled over the same winter; flu was widespread and lethal. Infant mortality was also growing considerably, and when this was coupled with the families of the two million dead soldiers and the many millions wounded, you had a populace th at was suffering. In addition, while working days grew longer, inflation was making goods ever more expensive, and ever more unaffordable. The economy was on the verge of collapsing. The discontent among German civilians was not limited to either the working or middle classes, as both felt an increasing hostility to the government. Industrialists were also a popular target, with people convinced they were making millions from the war effort while everyone else suffered. As the war went deep into 1918, and the German offensives failed, the German nation seemed to be on the verge of splitting, even with the enemy still not on German soil. There was pressure from the government, from campaign groups and others to reform a government system that seemed to be failing. Ludendorff sets the Time Bomb Imperial Germany was supposed to be run by the Kaiser, Wilhelm II, aided by a Chancellor. However, over the final years of the war, two military commanders had taken control of Germany: Hindenburg and Ludendorff. By mid-1918 Ludendorff, the man with the practical control suffered both a mental breakdown and a long-feared realization: Germany was going to lose the war. He also knew that if the allies invaded Germany it would have a peace forced on it, and so he took actions which he hoped would bring a gentler peace deal under Woodrow Wilsonââ¬â¢s Fourteen Points: he asked for the German Imperial autocracy to be transformed into a constitutional monarchy, keeping the Kaiser but bringing in a new level of effective government. Ludendorff had three reasons for doing this. He believed the democratic governments of Britain, France, and the United States would be more willing to work with a constitutional monarchy than the Kaiserriech, and he believed that the change would head off the social revolt he feared the warââ¬â¢s failure would trigger as blame and anger were redirected. He saw the neutered parliamentââ¬â¢s calls for change and feared what they would bring if left unmanaged. But Ludendorff had a third goal, a far more pernicious and costly one. Ludendorff didnââ¬â¢t want the army to take the blame for the warââ¬â¢s failure, nor did he want his high-powered allies to do so either. No, what Ludendorff wanted was to create this new civilian government and make them surrender, to negotiate the peace, so they would be blamed by the German people and the army would still be respected. Unfortunately for Europe in the mid-twentieth century, Ludendorff was entirely successful, starting the myth tha t Germany had been ââ¬Ëstabbed in the backââ¬â¢, and helping the fall of Weimer and the rise of Hitler. Revolution from Above A strong Red Cross supporter, Prince Max of Baden became chancellor of Germany in October 1918, and Germany restructured its government: for the first time the Kaiser and the Chancellor were made answerable to the parliament, the Reichstag: the Kaiser lost command of the military, and the Chancellor had to explain himself, not to the Kaiser, but parliament. As Ludendorff hoped, this civilian government was negotiating an end to the war. Germany Revolts However, as the news spread across Germany that the war was lost, shock set in, then the anger Ludendorff and others had feared. So many had suffered so much and been told they were so close to victory that many werenââ¬â¢t satisfied with the new system of government. Germany would move swiftly into revolution. Sailors at a naval base near Kiel rebelled on October 29, 1918, and as the government lost control of the situation other major naval bases and ports also fell to revolutionaries. The sailors were angry at what was happening and were trying to prevent the suicide attack some naval commanders had ordered to try and recover some honor. News of these revolts spread, and everywhere it went soldiers, sailors and workers joined them in rebelling. Many set up special, soviet style councils to organize themselves, and Bavaria actually expelled their fossil King Ludwig III and Kurt Eisner declared it a socialist republic. The October reforms were soon being rejected as not enough, both by the revolutionaries and the old order who needed a way to manage events. Max Baden hadnââ¬â¢t wanted to expel the Kaiser and family from the throne, but given that the latter was reluctant to make any other reforms, Baden had no choice, and so it was decided that the Kaiser would be replaced by a left-wing government led by Friedrich Ebert. But the situation at the heart of government was chaos, and first a member of this government - Philippà Scheidemann ââ¬â declared that Germany was a republic, and then another called it a Soviet Republic. The Kaiser, already in Belgium, decided to accept military advice that his throne was gone, and he exiled himself to Holland. The Empire was over. Left Wing Germany in Fragments Ebert and Government At the end of 1918, the government looked like it was falling apart, as the SPD was moving from the left to the right in an ever more desperate attempt to gather support, while the USPD pulled out to focus on more extreme reform. The Spartacists Revolt Bolsheviks The Results: The National Constituent Assembly Thanks to Ebertââ¬â¢s leadership and the quelling of extreme socialism, Germany in 1919 was led by a government which had changed at the very top ââ¬â from an autocracy to a republic ââ¬â but in which key structures like land ownership, industry and other businesses, the church, the military and the civil service, remained pretty much the same. There was great continuity and not the socialist reforms that the country seemed in a position to carry through, but neither had there been large-scale bloodshed. Ultimately, it can be argued that the revolution in Germany was a lost opportunity for the left, a revolution that lost its way, and that socialism lost a chance to restructure before Germany and the conservative right grew ever more able to dominate. Revolution? Although it is common to refer to these events as a revolution, some historians dislike the term, viewing the 1918-19 as either a partial / failed revolution, or an evolution from the Kaiserreich, which might have taken place gradually if World War One had never occurred. Many Germans who lived through it also thought it was only half a revolution, because while the Kaiser had gone, the socialist state they had wanted was also absent, with the leading socialist party heading up a middle ground. For the next few years, left-wing groups would attempt to push the ââ¬Ërevolutionââ¬â¢ further, but all failed. In doing so, the center allowed the right to remain to crush the left.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Research for Yelp in the Brazilian Market Term Paper
Marketing Research for Yelp in the Brazilian Market - Term Paper Example If you feel that any of the steps mentioned in the proposal contradict with your expectations, kindly notify us so that we may be able to make the relevant modification on a timely basis. BACKGROUND: Yelp is planning to provide its services to the Brazilian users regarding Brazilian markets and this research report would assist Yelp in initiating its operations in Brazil. The research report would include a comprehensive study of various factors that will help the organization understand the manner in which Brazilian businesses operate and the ways in which it can engage the Brazilian users. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research is to ensure whether it would be feasible for Yelp to start operating in Brazil. The research report would provide the factors that are responsible for the success of Yelp in other territories and an analysis of the fact whether those factors would be feasible in Brazil. The findings of the research report would assist Yelp in understanding the environment of Brazilian markets and modifying its strategy for entering in the Brazilian market accordingly. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The research methodology to be followed would consist of primary research and secondary research. In primary research, the relevant information would be acquired directly from the users, while in secondary research, the information already available from different sources would be analyzed and it would be determined whether such information can be utilized for the purposes of this research. The primary research would be conducted through the use of online surveys using the social networking sites and questionnaires at different markets in Brazil. A set of questions would be designed that would focus on the attitude of the users towards a service like Yelp in Brazil. The surveys and questionnaires would include questions that would help the research team analyze their response towards such a service. In this manner, it would be found out whether the users anticipate the services provided by Yelp in Brazil or not. The questionnaire would be simple in order to ens ure a higher response rate. The following would be the key information to be acquired through the questionnaires: 1. What are users overall perceptions and attitudes towards the services like the ones provided by Yelp? 2. How users view Yelp as compared to other such websites in Brazil. 3. Understanding the attitude of the users by understanding the cultural specifics that are most common in Brazil. 4. The factors that the users like and dislike regarding the markets of Brazil and how a service like Yelp would help them decide where to shop and where not to. 5. What the users in Brazil know about Yelp, what they like about its services and what do they dislike about it. The secondary research would include the analysis of market researches already conducted by other organizations or independent researchers. It would
Friday, October 18, 2019
What are the Similarities and Differences Between a Racial Group and Essay
What are the Similarities and Differences Between a Racial Group and an Ethnic Group - Essay Example The only conspicuous differences that appear to the naked eye are due to the differences between males and females. Broadly speaking, the entire animal kingdom is very homogenous. Biologists who refute the claim that races are based on morphological features claim that the assumption that human races are based on anatomical traits is false. They claim that anatomical traits do not cluster distinct groups of people. It is further explained that some human races appear the way they do because of the natural environment surrounding them. for instance, in areas near the tropical latitudes, there are people with darker skin color to protect them from sunââ¬â¢s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the dark brown skin color is primarily found amongst the Africans and the Indian subcontinent. However, the popularly held belief is otherwise. As it, goes-Racial groups are thus based on the biological classification of people. This classification could be according to human features, skin co lor or other morphological features. One is automatically classified by virtue of external forces into a racial group. One does not have any control over the racial group that becomes oneââ¬â¢s identity. Racial groupings and concept of race have been a very controversial topic because of its ability to influence the social hierarchy of the society. Ethnicity on the other hand also incorporates the social characteristics of an individual within the society that he lives in. Some of the social characteristics that are a premise of ethnic classification include oneââ¬â¢s language, culture, religion, tradition, tribe, and nationality. The race is externally assigned by the people around us. However, ethnicity is not externally assigned to other people. Ethnicity is the onus of an individual; however, he wants to go about it. It is apparently a conglomeration of humans who have similar cultural characters and follow the same religious faith.
Practical Implication of Balance Scorecard on Essay
Practical Implication of Balance Scorecard on - Essay Example In their studies, they described the balanced scorecard as a management system for strategic planning that enables both profit and non-profit-organisations to state clearly their visions and underlying strategies and then transform them into actions. Smith (2005) in his studies described the balanced scorecard as a performance management tool that is used by organisations to align their activities along with their strategy and vision, secondly, to improve external and internal communication of the organisations and thirdly to monitor performance against the sets goals/ objectives. The report will use the Apple Inc as the case study and it is of essence to note that Apple Inc is largely an information and technology company that mainly specializes in designing, manufacturing, and selling of computer hardware and software, and consumer electronics such as personal computers, phones and television pads, among others. The company presently, has its headquarters at the state of California in the United States of America but it has a wide branch network of over 300 stores located in 14 countries across the world. According to OGrady (2008), Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne originally formed the company in 1976 and by 1980; the company marked a major milestone by being listed at the stock exchange. Mr. Arthur Levinson as the chairperson currently heads Apple Inc while Mr. Tim Cook is the chief executive officer of the company. The critical analysis of the critical implications of the balanced scorecard in Apple Inc will help to explain how the management system contributed to the companyââ¬â¢s current success and how it intendeds to further propel the company into greater success. The charts below demonstrate how each of these products and others performs or sells in the market in terms of the revenue they generate, and the revenue generated by the company from different regions or markets where it has
IF CURRENCY HEDGING IS SO BENEFICIAL, DO COMPANIES USE ALL HEDGING TECHNIQUES AVAILABLE - Essay Example cts of risks and portent losses in foreign exchange transactions, why has the ambit and scope of hedging not also been extended to other forms of speculative business, or even if it has, why is this that it has met only with a limited degree of success and accomplishment? The hedging strategy enables the investors/company to gain a clear understanding about the happening of the various events that may lead to loss of money for the investors. Foreign currency markets are considered to be very deep, relatively inexpensive and highly liquid where the fund managers are trying to manage their currency options in the foreign investment market. Currency hedging is the most frequently used approach used to manage the degree of risk that is involved in the foreign investment strategies. Research Hypothesis : Why degree of success of currency hedging cannot be derived from other types of non-currency losses or risks, given that in both cases, there is a great deal of monetary value involved in both speculative and currency transactions. That being said, it is necessary to first find out what are the relative advantages of using currency hedging during foreign exchange transactions. Currency hedging can be defined as ââ¬Å"a particularà hedgingà strategyà used to reduceà risksà in the foreign exchange market.â⬠à We shall consider for a brief moment that there is an importing company in Australia for wheat products, and similarly, there are exporters in London who are shipping the products to Australia. The Australian importing company is worried that if the value of GBP comes down, they would have to pay more for the purchase during future settlement. The current exchange rate is à £1 = AUS $ 1.7796. (Market rates, 2009). If the value of the GBP falls below 1.7796, he would have to pay more AUS $, and then incur losses. The currency exchange fluctuations may be minimal in the event of small transactions, but in the event the import business is for a few billion dollars,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Conditions in Somalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conditions in Somalia - Essay Example The Civil War (1988 ââ¬â 1992). The central government was dissolved and clans fought for control of the country. When it was clear that the international relief effort was fuelling the fighting that had caused the famine in the first place, the international community considered armed intervention as a solution.Since 1992 the U.S. and other nations withdrew their troops in 1994 and the last United Nations forces were withdrawn in 1995. The inhabitants of Somalia suffered from famine, so United Nations supplied food and humanitarian aid. After the interference of UN Organization, a new government was formed in Somalia. The main duty of the historian is to note the essential events, at the same time, the goal of a politician is to make conclusions which would be relevant in the modern politics. >From the political point of view, Somalia remains a fragmented country both politically and administratively. Despite continuing stabilization in the Northwest Zone of Somaliland and limit ed but encouraging progress in the Northeast Zone of Puntland, humanitarian personnel has faced varied and complex challenges. In the Central and Southern Zone, in particular, insecurity prevailed, and great care was taken throughout the year to safeguard the lives of staff. The pastoral clan-families constitute about 85 per cent of the population.The remaining southern clan-families are associated with mixed pastoralism and farming, and their identity is linked more to the villages in which they live than to the clans to which they belong.
Unit 5 seminar capstone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Unit 5 seminar capstone - Research Paper Example Validating her fillings will help her feel normal and affirm to her that any other person going through a similar event would feel like she does. The other step will be to offer therapy in order to help the client understand how abuse happens, signs of an abusive partner, and alternatives for dealing with abuse before she gets into a crisis. I will give the client information. Such information includes where she can report abuse cases, domestic violence helpline services, option of separating with her abusive partner until he receives intervention, or the alternative of terminating the abusive marriage relationship. I would then help her decide on what would work best for her. Finally, the client and I would explore alternatives of empowering her socially, culturally and economically (Kanel, 2007). Such alternatives include joining a local community support group, choosing the cultural practices and beliefs that do not discriminate or allow domestic violence and getting a job. Finally, projecting into the future, the client will handle a similar situation with courage and conscientiousness. She will detect abuse before it happens and avert it timely. This way, she will not be in a crisis because she will break the cycle of domestic
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Conditions in Somalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conditions in Somalia - Essay Example The Civil War (1988 ââ¬â 1992). The central government was dissolved and clans fought for control of the country. When it was clear that the international relief effort was fuelling the fighting that had caused the famine in the first place, the international community considered armed intervention as a solution.Since 1992 the U.S. and other nations withdrew their troops in 1994 and the last United Nations forces were withdrawn in 1995. The inhabitants of Somalia suffered from famine, so United Nations supplied food and humanitarian aid. After the interference of UN Organization, a new government was formed in Somalia. The main duty of the historian is to note the essential events, at the same time, the goal of a politician is to make conclusions which would be relevant in the modern politics. >From the political point of view, Somalia remains a fragmented country both politically and administratively. Despite continuing stabilization in the Northwest Zone of Somaliland and limit ed but encouraging progress in the Northeast Zone of Puntland, humanitarian personnel has faced varied and complex challenges. In the Central and Southern Zone, in particular, insecurity prevailed, and great care was taken throughout the year to safeguard the lives of staff. The pastoral clan-families constitute about 85 per cent of the population.The remaining southern clan-families are associated with mixed pastoralism and farming, and their identity is linked more to the villages in which they live than to the clans to which they belong.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Management - Essay Example The discount products of large retailers like ASDA and Wal-Martââ¬â¢s etc are also alluring this segment. The competition is growing along with the growth of various consumer segments. The intensified competition also puts a pressure on the players to offer the customers from every window to sale or market their products and services. The paper covers literature review of the Retail Clothing Sector. The organisation studied for this purpose is asos.com. Various factors of the growing online fashion retailing have been covered in this study. Retailing sector particularly Fashion retailing has attracted attention of various researchers and scholars. Studies have covered various aspects of retailing from organisation structures to advent of technology within this sector and its impact on overall industry. Davies 1993; McGoldrick 1990 state (as cited in Gillooley and Varley, 2001 pg. 7) According to Gillooley and Varley (2001 pg.7-20) emphasis is on the role of technology, technologist in clothing industry and distribution system. They feel that the dominance of manufacturers brands and the emphasis on product/price promotions is higher in retail clothing industry as compared to food or other retailing. Retailers are often classified on the basis of amount of service they offer, depth and breadth of the products and services, relative price changes and their organisation structure Retailer may offer self, limited or full service to the customer. Based on category these can be classified as Specialty stores, Department stores, Supermarket, Convenience stores, Superstores and category killers. The latest concept is online retailing or e-tailing that has replaced the need of personal visit, bricks and mortar to a certain extent. Due to the increase in the number of Internet users the traffic towards online marketing is increasing. This is due to two major factors. One that consumer wants conveniences in terms of effort, money spend and quality assurance and the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Video Game To Movie Cross Media Film Studies Essay
Video Game To Movie Cross Media Film Studies Essay Following the Teaser Show the benefits, its about selling your service. If the service allows them to win money this should be clear, if its of a narrative experience then the teaser, should have that inherent embedded into it. Reeling Them In- You need to constantly appeal to your audience and give a sense that your service is worth spending more time in. This is where meticulous planning of phased releases of story fragments across the media channels comes into its own. To some extent this is no different from a series editor/writer who has to arc each episodes narrative to keep them coming back for more. 2.2.4 Breaking the Fourth Wall Usually seen as an ad or end credit sequence where the voice over tells you why it is worth your while to carry on somewhere else with them. Breaks the fourth wall but is a clear directive. 2.2.5 Parallel Dimension There is something on another platform running synchronous to the one you are watching. Such as watching football on TV, while listening to Radio 5, because I prefer a more in-depth commentary. Now of course there are many other parallel channels. Web, mobile and TV all running along with each other. I am more and more involved with parallels between real and virtual worlds. The techniques to draw audiences into these experiences are often inherent in the service such that if you are on one you can actually see the other one taking place. 2.2.6 On Their Own The expectation from the audience that there will be other media elsewhere drives their journey through the story. The technique here is the hardest to identify but it follows the same technique of designing a physical hunt. You hide things, dont give easy clues and then set the ground rules. They expect something on all platforms and this is where the term cross-media will eventually become redundant. All properties will have something on all platforms, the same way DVDs now all have extras. If they have enjoyed cross-media experiences from you before they will come back. It is about trust, being consistent and giving them a media world to play in. 2.3 Franchise A franchise is a property which involves characters, settings and trademarks of original media. This can be a film, a piece of literature a TV program or a video game. Generally, a whole series is made in a particular medium, and multiple sequels are often planned well in advance. The most famous franchise to use Cross-Media Narrative is the Star Wars Saga, since its creation in 1977 it still expands its universe to the present day (2010). It consists of 6 feature films, and has since been extended, to more films, radio films, books, comic books, Animated TV series and also Video Games. Star Wars is an epic science fiction franchise conceived by George Lucas. It is best known for its 6 feature films, this consisted of two trilogies, the original trilogy and then the prequel trilogy. The first film in the series was originally released on May 25, 1977, by 20th Century Fox, and it became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, the film spawned two immediate sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the first trilogys final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released at three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005. Other Media, in which the Star Wars film series has spawned, includes books, a TV series, video games, and comic books. All of this supplements to the film trilogies and comprises the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which is an umbrella term for officially licensed Star Wars material outside of the six feature films and keeps the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In 2008, a 7th film was released to theaters, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and it was the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchises first animated film, and was created as an introduction to the TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a CGI animated series. Since the creation Star Wars in 1977, the franchise keeps on expanding and each type of media created still stays within the Star Wars timeline of events taking place anywhere from 25,000 years before Episode 1: The Phantom Menace to 140 years after Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. George Lucas retains artistic control over the Star Wars universe. For example, the death of central characters and similar changes in the status quo must first pass his screening before authors are given the go-ahead. In addition, Lucasfilm Licensing devotes efforts to ensure continuity between the works of various authors across companies. George Lucas has played a large role in the production of various television projects, usually serving as storywriter or executive producer, as mentioned in Pablo Hidalgos article From EU to Episode II: Aayla Secura. Star Wars has had a number of radio adaptations, such as A New Hope which was first broadcast on National public radio in 1981(StarWars.com 2010) Since the creation Star Wars in 1977, so many different types of media have been created, even now there is currently the idea of a Blu-ray release and 3D release of the trilogies, all of this keeps the Star Wars franchise alive. As you can see the Star Wars franchise is so huge and successful it is a prime example of how cross-media narrative is used and been effective. Other successful franchises are Indiana Jones, Batman, Superman, X-Men and others. Now is this purely for the viewers benefit or is it for financial profit for the studio. This is what I hope to find out. 3 Types of Cross-Media Currently the main types of cross-media are TV shows that have been made into films and also TV shows that have created webisodes. Also I will show films that have spawned video games and video game that have spawned films. I will cover all these topics in this section, giving examples of franchises that have expanded there universe, a quick example being how Batman has gone on to make films, video games, cartoons, TV series, comics etc. 3.1 TV Shows made into Films Now and then certain TV Shows, are that successful that Films are made from the series, a good example of this is Sex and the City, and also the series Police Squad which went on to make the Naked Gun Trilogy. Sex and the City Sex and the City is an American Television series. The original run of the show was broadcast on HBO from 1998 until 2004, for a total of ninety-four episodes. The show was set in New York City, and it focused on four American women, three of them in their mid-thirties and one in her forties. The series had multiple continuing story lines throughout episodes and seasons and it tackled socially relevant issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex, and promiscuity. It specifically examined the lives of big-city professional women in the late 1990s/early 2000s and how changing roles and expectations for women affected the characters. A feature film based on Sex and the City has been produced. The film originally was slated for production near the end of the broadcast series run in 2004, but the movie deal fell through at that time. The film was later released in 2008 and Michael Patrick King wrote and directed. The four lead actresses returned to reprise their roles, and Chris Noth signed to reprise his role as Mr. Big. The plot of the film revolves around the lives of the four main characters, four years after the time frame of the finale of the series. The films world premiere was in Londons Leicester Square in early May 2008. The film was released on May 28, 2008 in the UK and was released May 30, 2008 in the US with an unprecedented $55.7 million three-day gross. The debut made Sex and the City the top-opening R-rated romantic comedy of all time. Police Squad Police Squad! Was a comedy TV series which was first broadcast in 1982. The show was a spoof of police dramas, packed with visual gags and non sequiturs. Despite critical acclaim, the show was cancelled after just six episodes. However these 6 episodes were enough to gain a strong cult following through repeat broadcasts, and this led to the 1988 film version The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! And two further sequels. Many gags from the show were recycled for the films (Roger Ebert 1988). The film The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! Performing well at the box office, grossing around $78,756,177 (Box Office Mojo (n, d)).It became a hit comedy, it became so popular that two sequels were created The Naked Gun 2à ½: The Smell of Fear in 1991 and Naked Gun 33à ¢Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬Å": The Final Insult in 1994. The Naked Gun 2à ½: The Smell of Fear was considered the most successful of the three, grossing around $86,930,411(Box Office Mojo (n, d)), while Naked Gun 33à ¢Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬Å": The Final Insult grossed $51,132,598 (Box Office Mojo (n, d)). Roger Ebert rated the first movie 3 1/2 out of four stars, and gave 3 stars to the two following films. The second film won a Golden Screen award for Best Picture. The creators stated this in a featurette for The Naked Gun 2à ½: The Smell of Fear. 3.2 Films made into Video Games Most films when being created also make video games to accommodate the film. The story is usually similar to the film, we see this in James Camerons Avatar, but this is not always the case as film such as the Indiana Jones franchise, the video games tend to have their own story, just set in the same fictional universe. Avatar James Camerons Avatar is an epic science fiction film. The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush moon of gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Navi, a sentient humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The films title refers to the genetically engineered Navi-human hybrid bodies used by a team of researchers to interact with the natives of Pandora. Ubisoft Montreal was chosen by James Cameron to create an Avatar game for the film in 2007. The filmmakers and game developers collaborated heavily, and James Cameron decided to include some of Ubisofts vehicle and creature designs into the film. James Camerons Avatar: The Game was released on December 1, 2009, for most home video game consoles. James Camerons Avatar: The Game is 2009 is a 3rd person action video game. Speaking in an interview with MCV, It was announced by Ubisoft that it will be using the same technology as the film to be displayed in stereoscopic 3D (PSU 2009) Indiana Jones Indiana Jones is a fictional character in the Indiana Jones franchise. The characters full name is Dr. Henry Walton Indiana Jones, Jr and first appeared in Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, is the first of four films, and pits Indiana Jones against the Nazis, who search for the Ark of the Covenant, in an attempt to make their army invincible. The film was to be followed by Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in 1984, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in 1989, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in 2008. Other than the films the Indiana Jones franchise has a TV series, novels, comics, video games, and other media. The character has appeared in many licensed video games the latest being Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, which was released on June 9, 2009 Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings is the third in the series of original 3D Indiana Jones games, preceded by Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb, and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. 3.3 Video Games made into Films When certain video games become increasingly popular there has always been speculation about making that game into a film. This is has happened with many games, such as Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Hitman, Prince of Persia, and many others. The films may not always be true to the game but are usually a commercial success. One of the latest films that are under speculation to be made into a film is the PlayStation 3 game Uncharted. Tomb Raider Tomb Raider is a video game developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. Tomb Raider follows the exploits of Lara Croft, an English female archaeologist in search of ancient treasures kind of like Indiana Jones. It was originally released in 1996 for the Sega Saturn followed shortly thereafter for MS-DOS and PlayStation versions. Since the release of the original in 1996, the series developed into a lucrative franchise of related media, and Lara went on to become a major icon of the video game industry. The game was commercially and critically successful, and is considered widely influential according to Gamespots article 15 most influential games of all time Gamespot (n. d.). It spawned a number of sequels and a franchise of related media. Six games in the series were developed by Core Design, and the latest three by Crystal Dynamics. To date two movies, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, have been produced starring American actress Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is a 2001 adventure film which was an adaptation from the Tomb Raider video game series, as it didnt follow the same story as in the game but instead had an entirely new story. A sequel, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life was released in 2003. Hitman Hitman is a stealth game developed by Danish company IO Interactive, now a division of Square Enix. The game series has since expanded into a novel, Hitman: Enemy Within and in 2007 a film was released loosely based on the storyline of the games. IESB has confirmed that 20th Century Fox has hired writer Kyle Ward to pen the script for the sequel to Hitman (IESB 2009) . Adrian Askarieh, Daniel Alter and Chuck Gordon will return as producers. Introducing British actor David Hess and Timothy Olyphant will return as 47 in June of 2010. 3.4 Films made into TV shows When a film has become really popular, it is often made into a TV show, to keep the story and the films universe alive. Star Wars has done this, with creating the animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Also Terminator has done this, by creating Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Star Wars Star Wars is an epic space opera franchise, best known for its 6 feature films; this consisted of two trilogies, the original trilogy and then the prequel trilogy. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released, and it was the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchises first animated film, and was intended as an introduction to the series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, a 3D CGI animated series based on a previous 2D animated series of a similar name made in 2003. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a 3D CGI animated television series. It is set in the fictional Star Wars Galaxy, during the same time period as the previous 2003 series. The show itself takes place from 22 BBY (Before the battle of Yavin) to 20 BBY. Each episode has a running time of 22 minutes, to fill a half-hour time slot. Season 2 premiered on October 2, 2009 and now Star Wars: The Clone Wars has been granted a third season, beginning in October 2010. Terminator The Terminator series is a science fiction franchise encompassing a series of films and ancillary media concerning battles between Skynets artificial intelligent machine network, and John Connors Resistance forces and the rest of the human race. The Terminator is the original film which was released in 1984. The film has been followed by three sequels. The franchise has evolved to one of the most successful franchises of all time (IGN 2006), which includes video games and a TV series. From the success of the franchise, a spin-off was created titled Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles with Lena Headey as Sarah Connor and Thomas Dekker as John Connor. The series, created by Josh Friedman, centers on Sarah and John after Terminator 2 as they try to live under the radar after the explosion at Cyberdyne. Summer Glau plays a female Terminator protecting the Connors. The series premiered on Sunday, January 13, 2008. Production for the series was provided by Terminator 2 and Terminator 3 producers and it consisted of 2 seasons. Season one with nine, 40 minute episodes, and Season two with twenty two, 40 minute episodes. The Terminator Franchise has had a measurable impact on popular culture, most notably James Camerons original films, The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The film franchise placed it at 17 on the top 25 greatest film franchises of all time by IGN and is also in the top 25 grossing franchises of all time. 3.5 TV Shows that have created Webisodes Many TV shows have made webisodes lately, these shows include, Heroes, Chuck, and The Office: An America Workplace. Heroes Heroes, is a science fiction TV drama series by Tim Kring that tells the stories of ordinary people who discover extraordinary abilities, and how these abilities take effect in the characters lives. The series emulates the aesthetic style and storytelling of Comic Books, using short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. Since its beginning there have now been 4 seasons and a number of webseries. The first Heroes webseries was released on July 14, 2008 between seasons 2 and 3, called Going Postal. It was a trilogy of online-only videos introducing Echo DeMille, a seemingly ordinary mailman with an extraordinary ability. On November 10, 2008 during Season 3, the second Heroes webseries, Destiny, was released. This webseries is a quadrilogy. A Month after the third Heroes webseries, The Recruit, was released on December 15, 2008. The Recruit introduces Rachel Mills, a marine who survives the explosion at Pinehearst. This follows the finale of volume three. Also in that month the fourth Heroes webseries, Hard Knox, was released. Hard Knox flashes back to 18 months ago, to a time when Matt Parkman knew the villain, Knox, before his abilities began to manifest. Following Hard Knox, Nowhere Man was released in April 2009, and it picked up where the third season leaves off, focusing on the life of Eric Doyle. Then on September 28, 2009, Slow Burn began airing alongside Season 4. It showed behind-the-scenes goings-on of the Sullivan Bros. Carnival as it follows the character of Lydia, revealing she has a pyrokinetic daughter named Amanda who she discovers is in trouble and tries to help. Chuck Chuck is an action-comedy television series created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The show centers around the main character Chuck Bartowski an average computer-whiz-next-door, who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the worlds greatest spy secrets into Chucks brain. It currently has 3 seasons, and 3 webseries. It has Chuck Versus the Webisodes, which consists of 5 Buy More training videos. Meet the Nerd Herders, which also contains 5 webisodes, each video contains staff from the Buy More, giving their thoughts on specific topics. The third webseries is Morgans Vlog, which is a video blog, it has 4 parts, but the first 3 parts, are Morgan and Chuck on making a movie end a lot quicker, and the fourth episodes is Morgans view on movie villains. The Office: An American Workplace The Office: An American Workplace is an adaptation of the BBC series, The Office a Mockumentary created by Ricky Gervais and Stephan Merchant, the series depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. To simulate the look of an actual documentary, it is filmed in a single-camera setup, without a studio audience or any canned laughter. There has currently been 6 webseries, the first being The Accountants which aired between the second and third seasons. The webisodes follow the accountants Angela, Oscar, and Kevin as they try to find out who stole $3,000 from the books. Between the fourth and fifth seasons, the summer webisode series Kevins Loan was released in four weekly episodes, the first premiering on July 10, 2008. Then during the airing of the fifth season, the winter webisode series The Outburst was released in weekly episodes, the first premiering on November 20, 2008. At the conclusion of the fifth season, the summer webisode series Blackmail was released similarly to the previous two, in weekly episodes. During the sixth season, the webisode series Subtle Sexuality aired in its entirety on October 29, 2009. The series focuses on Kelly and Erin forming their own girl group, called Subtle Sexuality. The first two webisodes document the behind-the-scenes aspects and troubles of shooting the music video for their first single Male Prima Donna, while the third and final webisode is the music video itself, which features Ryan as a guest rapper and Andy singing the bridge. Also during the sixth season, the webisode series The Mentor aired in its entirety on March 4, 2010. Erin wants to be an accountant so Angela decides to train her. But, Erins relationship with Kelly turns bad when she spends too much time with Angela. Kelly and Ryan then interfere in Angela and Erins relationship. 4 Financial Successes After seeing how many games are made into films and films are made into games, I wanted to see if financially it is a success. Is it worth expanding the franchise if the financial profit is not there? 4.1 Game to Film Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Budget $115,000,000 Gross Revenue $274,703,340 (Box Office Guru 2001) Tomb Raider debuted at number one with $48.2 million, giving Paramount its second-best debut and the fourth-highest debut of 2001. It beat the opening record for a film featuring a female protagonist, and it is currently the most successful video game adaptation to date, grossing $300,000,000 worldwide. Cradle of Life Budget $120,000,000 Gross Revenue $156,505,388 Despite its better review, Cradle of Life suffered a disappointing opening weekend, as it debuted in fourth place with a take of $21.7 million (Box Office Mojo 2003) a 55% drop from the originals opening gross of $47.7 million (Box Office Mojo 2001). The film finished with a domestic gross of only $65 million; therefore it had to rely on the foreign box office to make a profit. Its total earnings amounted to $156.5 million, which represented a loss of $118 million when compared to the success of the original; the loss nearly equals the cost of Cradle of Lifes budget alone. Figures for the Tomb Raider movies come from the weekend box office websites, box office mojo and box office guru. Hitman Hitman Budget $23,000,000 Gross Revenue $99,965,792 Hitman opened in 2,458 theaters in the United States and Canada, grossing $13,180,769 in its opening weekend, ranking fourth at the box office. As of July 2, 2008, the film has grossed $39,687,694 (Box Office Mojo (n, d) in the United States and Canada and $60,245,563 in other territories for a worldwide total of $99,933,257. The films DVD sales equal $27,858,148 in the US alone, putting the total profits for Hitman at around $128 million. The figures established from the box office data, on the website the-numbers.com 4.2 Film to Game Avatar James Camerons Avatar videogame has not been as successful as the film; Ubisoft has sold over 1.3 million copies of the game worldwide across all platforms (GamerLive.TV 2010). According to Michael Pachter, video game analyst for webush securities, Ubisoft shipped 2.5 million copies of the game at launch. He also believes that with Blu-ray and DVD releases of the movie there could be another push for the game at retail. But for the most part, the game has sold what its going to sell. He said the poor reviews that Ubisofts game received hurt hardcore gamer sales. 5 Receptions The reception of films and video games has always been vital, as reviews can determine whether a film or game can be successful. I looked at reviews and I also did some user tests, to see if they get involved or not with cross-media so they can try to feel every part of that universe. 5.1 Reviews I shall look at reviews of the two Tomb Raider Films, Hitman film and Avatar: The Game. Tomb Raider (Films) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider The film received generally negative reviews, with rotten tomatoes giving it an approval rating of 19%, with 27 out of 140 critics giving it a positive review all with an average rating of 3.9/10 (Rotten Tomatoes (n, d)). The general consensus is Angelina Jolie is perfect for the role of Lara Croft, but even she cant save the movie from a senseless plot and action sequences with no emotional impact. An unlikely positive review came from Roger Ebert who awarded the film three out of four stars and said, Lara Croft Tomb Raider elevates goofiness to an art form. Here is a movie so monumentally silly, yet so wondrous to look at, that only a churl could find fault. It was controversial for its many objectionable plots like an evil thing in a Hindu temple and breaking statues of a World heritage site. Cradle of Life Cradle of Life received slightly higher reviews than the original, with a 23% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 151 reviews (Rotten Tomatoes (n, d)) and a 43/100 rating on Metacritic (Metacritic (n, d)). It was described by Salon as a highly enjoyable summer thrill ride (Salon 2003). Roger Ebert gave the film 3 out of four stars, stating that the film was better than the first one, more assured, more entertaining..it uses imagination and exciting locations to give the movie the same kind of pulp adventure feeling we get from the Indiana Jones movies (Roger Ebert 2003). Cradle of Life was as heavily panned as its predecessor. Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe wrote, Its a bullet-riddled National Geographic special that produces a series of dumb, dismal shootouts that are so woefully choreographed theres reason to believe Debbie Allen may be behind them (boston.com (n, d)). Hitman (Film) The Hitman film has been almost universally panned by critics. The most common complaints are a lacking, often confusing plot, dry acting and extreme violence. On the film review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes, Hitman has received a rating of 14% based on 98 reviews (Rotten Tomatoes (n, d)). However, film critic Roger Ebert gave it three stars out of four, saying Hitman stands right on the threshold between video games and art. On the wrong side of the threshold, but still, give it credit. On the Metacritic website, the film has received a Metascore of 35 out of 100 based on 22 reviews (Metacritic (n, d)). In 2009, Time listed the film on their list of top ten worst video games movies (Time (n, d)). Avatar (Video Game) Avatar: The Game has received mixed reception. It has been criticized for the games linear gameplay and said its controls are unintuitive and camera sloppy. The Wii version received mediocre scores mostly, having poor camera angling, frame rate and storytelling, but visuals and controls were spoken well of. The PC version garnered a Metascore of 65 on Metacritic (Metacritic (n, d)). On IGN, the game received a score of 5.9 for Wii, and 6.8 for the other consoles (IGN (n, d)). It got a 5.5 on Gamespot for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, while it got a 4.0 for the PSP edition (Gamespot (n, d)). In contrast, according to Meant to be Seen (MTBS), the PC version fared much better with a rating of 8.2 out of 10. Its rationale is PC stereoscopic 3D displays are readily available. The reviewer of MTBS said In a year or two when S-3D gaming is much more common, I really think Avatar: The Game will be a regularly cited example that demonstrates how things should be done and what the artistic potential is behind good 3D gaming (MTBS 2009). Also, Gamesradar.com gave the Wii version a score of 7 out of 10, saying, Youll love that the forest world is lush and nicely realized, fun stealth-focused combat, and an overall a surprisingly decent movie tie-in. However, the site also said that, Youll hate heaps of ugly clipping; control frustrations hamper its stealthy nature, and its repetitive goals (Gamesradar 2009) Indiana Jones (Video Game) Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings has received average reviews from the critics, Metacritic gave it an average of 55% (Metacritic (n, d)) The most universal criticism of the Wii version is the poorly implemented and only partially responsive motion controls. IGN gave it a 5.0/10 praising its interface, graphic effects, amount of extras, interactive levels, and varied gameplay, but criticizing its stupidly implemented motion controls(IGN 2009). The Origin (A.V. Club) gave it an F, a 0 on the Metacritic scale, calling the motion controls inexcusable and stating the games best aspect was the inclusion of the point-and-click adventure Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, further adding it surpasses Staff of Kings in everything, but the Gamecube-like graphics. Gamespot gave it a 3.5/10, criticizing its terribly laid-out checkpoints, out-of-date visuals and atrocious, annoying motion controls (AV Club 2009). 5.2 User Test Next is my User test, I will first outline the test, then analyse the questionnaire. 5.2.1 Outline of test The test consists of a list of questions which will be about which films, games, TV shows, and webisodes, people have seen and if they have seen or played them, because they have seen or played the original game, film, TV show and webisodes, example if you have seen the Avatar film have you played the game. I will try to get 20 people to fill out the questionnaire, and I will then analyse the results. Appendix: 5.2.2 Analysis of Questionnaire After completing my testing, this was the list of my results from the questionnaire that were filled out. I list them in a table with a 1 representing you had seen or played the media, and a 0 representing that you havent. I made the table more visual by highlighting the majority people who had watched or played both types of media from the same franchise. I highlighted the people who had watched the most (more or equal to 7), in terms of 2 of the same franchise, and I also highlighted the franchises which had been seen or played the most (more or equal to 7) this gave me a cross section of which is cross-media works best and which age group it appeals to more. After completing the testing and analyses you can see that majority of the results point at TV shows who expand their franchise, and that it is mainly 22-24 year olds who who follow the franchise. The trend in the age range seems to be if they like a show, they will follow it in different media. I will compare this to reviews to see if it is coincidence or if the reviews are generally responsible for this kind of response. 5.3 Compare Reviews and User Test Comparing the reviews from section 5.1 I looked at with table of results I created I have come to the conclusion, that if the review is bad then more often than not the audience wont go to watch or play that medium. The only exception I came across was Tomb Raider, in which both film reviews were poor, an average of 3.1/10, it still did increasingly well at the box office. There is even talk o
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Those Who Can, Teach Essay -- Education, Ryan Cooper
In chapter two of Ryan Cooperââ¬â¢s textbook, Those Who Can, Teach, he lists eight characteristics of an effective school: ââ¬Å"[1] high expectations for student performance, [2] communication among teachers, [3] a task orientation among the staff, [4] the ability to keep students on task, [5] the expenditure of little time on behavior management, [6] the principalââ¬â¢s instructional leadership, [7] the participation of parents, and [8] the school environmentâ⬠(51). While all eight characteristics above greatly contribute to a schoolââ¬â¢s overall success, some characteristics have a greater ability to affect the success of a given school. Educators Wong and Wong point out that research consistently says effective teachers exhibit three characteristics: 1) they are good classroom managers, 2) they teach for learning and mastery, and 3) they have positive expectations (8-10). Because I believe the foundation of school effectiveness relies on teachers, I consider the characteristics with a focus on effective teacher-to-student interaction most important. Taken from the list above, those characteristics are (1) teachers who exhibit high expectations for student performance, (3) a task orientation among the teaching staff, and (4) the ability to keep students on task. A teacherââ¬â¢s effect on students is significant because teachers have greater influence on student achievement than a school. Robert Marzanoââ¬â¢s study separating a schoolââ¬â¢s effect on student achievement from a teacherââ¬â¢s effect on student achievement supports this notion. Marzano found that an ineffective teacher in an effective school environment has little to no effect on student achievement. To the contrary, an effective teacher in an ineffective school environment was found to have a ... ...aff, such as paraprofessionals, counselors, librarians, specialists, and even janitors, comes to know and care about the strengths and weaknesses of students as much as teachers and administrators. More importantly, they help to provide solutions to overcoming low student achievement. A motivated support staff also contributes to the overall success of a school. In summary, I believe an effective teacher has the most influence on an effective school. Because of this, I consider Cooperââ¬â¢s characteristics centered on effective teaching as most important. I do also believe that fostering effective teaching skills through effective professional development programs are essential to creating an effective school. Furthermore, I would not discount the roles of non-teachers in the school setting, as they contribute to a schoolââ¬â¢s overall effectiveness too.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
The attitude of the chimney sweeper is one of hope and the speaker knows well that his hope will not be prevailed in this life but in the afterlife and we can see this as his attitude is portrayed with the diction that is used and the tone of jaded desertedness which leaves the mood at a very sympathetic place. This is opposed to the attitude of the poet as he expresses the boyââ¬â¢s lot in life by being very sarcastic and mocking him in the poem and this is present as we can see how he hyperbolizes the events in the boyââ¬â¢s life. The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) is told from the point of view of a young chimney sweeper, this persona is put on by the poet and is established in the opening stanza when the boy says "So your chimneys I sweep..." this poem is almost told in the form of a narrative and it is about a young boy telling of how his mother died and it does not mention any other details of her death other than the fact that she perished while he was very young. Then, it is said that his father sold him into slavery ââ¬Å"while yet my tongue could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!â⬠this ultimately makes the audience feel very sympatric toward the boy and we can see that he has accepted his lot in life. But, this is also the first place in the poem where the opposing attitudes of the chimney sweeper and the poet are present. Initially, upon reading the poem all the reader thinks of is the poor little boy, but here the poet is being sarcastic as he is saying the boy was made in to a chimney sweep before he could even say the word ââ¬Å"sweepâ⬠in the case that the s- sound was left off and the word left his mouth as ââ¬Å" ââ¬Ëweepâ⬠which is also why the he uses the repetition of the word to emphasize the childââ¬â¢s misery while im... ...ofession is viewed as a joke to Blake and we can see this here. This whole idea is exacerbated by the use of imagery present in the poem that is achieved through the use of dark imagery. This attitude of the poet is against the one of the speaker who believes he is innocent and free and had the ability to play around and display hope in his dreams. Blakeââ¬â¢s The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence) is a poem about the life of young chimney sweeps. We are presented with two juxtaposed attitudes in this poem and that would be the hope-filled attitude of the speaker pertaining to his lot in life and the attitude of satire that is displayed by the poet himself. In the end the message that conveyed through these conflicting attitudes is one that basically ensures the speaker will not be able to prosper in this life but surly have a chance to in the one after.
Friday, October 11, 2019
All great things In life start with an even greater beginning. When I was 12 years old I Joined my first competitive swim team; I swam for the downtown Suffolk YMCA. At first I only swam because of all of my friends that swam and I wanted to spend more time with them, but then realized how much more potential I had In swimming. After that moment I started to become more and more dedicated to swimming. I began to realize the true competitive nature of swimming and I liked it. Swimming has become a big part of my life since then and the beginning is the most important part to all good decisions.I first started swimming to be with friends and to make new friends. After we were on the same team we started to challenge each other and race one another to see who was the fastest. That's how I began to see the competitive nature of swimming. Nick Burton and Joey Kauffman are two guys I started racing me near the beginning of my swimming career and I still race them now to get better. My fami ly always supported me when I went to my meets. My brother would be swimming In the same meet, he could be In the next event, but he always took time to cheer for me; Then, I started to do the same for him.My mom Is the only reason could even do swimming, without her I would never have had a ride to any practices. Karen Keenan was my first coach on ODDS; she is the reason I am where I am at today. The first team I ever joined the YMCA cancelled the entire swimming team program. I had a choice put in front of me: stop sports all together, Join ODDS, or find another mediocre swim team. I chose to Join ODDS; ODDS stands for Old Dominion Aquatic Club. Once I joined ODDS I began to practice more and more. I spent more and more and more energy on practices and I could feel myself getting better, so it was equivalent to a new beginning in my eyes.I was more prepared to race on a higher level and I wanted to. After I got my first tastes of true competition, all I wanted was more of It. I be gan to practice harder than I ever had before In order to get to the next level. The next level for me was to get 3 state championship time standards and make It to the high performance group. Once I made t there I did not stop I still wanted to get better and try my hardest; there is always a higher goal. My next goal was to make national standards; I did not stop there, my new goal is to make the US Open and race against the top athletes in this country.In Conclusion, Swimming is one of my greatest achievements; I only made it this far because of how I began in swimming. Beginnings are one of the most important parts of beginning something new, along with Influential people, A lot of dedication, and a strive to do more than you ever have before. Those key factors are the reasons some people get so good at what they do. Just always remember, Beginnings are Important. Beginnings By loggias All great things in life start with an even greater beginning. When I was 12 years more time w ith them, but then realized how much more potential I had in swimming. Supported me when I went to my meets.My brother would be swimming in the same meet, he could be in the next event, but he always took time to cheer for me; Then, I started to do the same for him. My mom is the only reason I could even do swimming, The first team I ever Joined the YMCA cancelled the entire swimming team Aquatic Club. Once I Joined ODDS I began to practice more and more. I spent more After I got my first tastes of true competition, all I wanted was more of it. I began to practice harder than I ever had before in order to get to the next level. The next level for me was to get 3 state championship time standards and make it to the high important.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Defining the Concept of Voice Through an Assessment of Shakespeares ââ¬ÅTwelfth Nightââ¬Â Essay
Defining the Concept of Voice Through an Assessment of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Twelfth Nightâ⬠Introduction à à à à à à à à à à à Literary voice is a multifaceted subject that involves both linguistic and stylistic aspects. The readers and editors often significantly demand the involvement of originality and creativity. The level of creativity is required in the development of lasting and satisfactory understanding of the development of the voice. According to Hunter College Reading/Writing Center common characteristics of ââ¬Ëvoiceââ¬â¢ is ââ¬Å"Distinct from the terms persona, narrator and tone, voice is associated with the underlying vision of a writer, her general attitude toward the world.â⬠This paper is a fervently articulates the definition of voice through the linguistic choices of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s in his famous play Twelfth Night in evident through his passion for drama and poetry. à à à à à à à à à à à The voice when applied in rhetoric it demonstrates the clarity of the visions and thoughts of the writer. Voice is specific to every individual more artistically conveyed in the works of writers. The uniqueness of every piece of writing as a piece of artistic work is subject to the distinct figurative role or a unique commentary of the creator ââ¬Å"writerâ⬠. Plays are composed of literal and allegorically unique to develop individuality for the play that is meaningful and captivate. Voice is defined as the distinctive tone or style identifiable of literary work or author. à à à à à à à à à à à Twelfth Night demonstrates a tonal play written out to sound like a poem, where there is rhythmic balance in the pronunciation of the lines. Most importantly, the content reflects a unique commentary that speaks beyond what is given in the play. Any individual who is accustomed to the work of William Shakespeare would be able rapidly to detect that Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s works through his techniques of writing. Shakespeare uses a unique combination of writing techniques such as twisted iambic pentameter and soliloquies. At the start of Twelfth Night, Orsino, a Duke, demands if music creates love, then ââ¬Å"Give me excess of it, that, surfeitingâ⬠(1.1.2). If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die à à à à à à à à à à à That strain again! it had a dying fall: O, it came oââ¬â¢er my ear like the sweet sound, That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odour! Enough; no more: By using iambic pentameter, Shakespeare defines Orsinoââ¬â¢s character to be different from those of different social class. Here, Shakespeare uses iambic pentameter in a distinct way by switching the tones around to create a different tonal pattern. Instead of the regular iambus of one stressed and one unstressed beat (ba-BUM) for ten syllables straight, he makes a modification to some syllables in order to emphasize certain words.SIR TOBY BELCH Approach, Sir Andrew: not to be abed aftermidnight is to be up betimes; and ââ¬Ëdiluculosurgere,ââ¬â¢ thou knowââ¬â¢st,ââ¬â In act 2 scene 3, The syntax and the preceding semicolon on the first line direct the stress on give at the beginning, but the resulting pattern is choppy and almost dactylic in its meter. He often uses this technique on characters that had a higher social status in his plays. On the contrary, those characters of a lower status were deemed not to have the leisure to experiment with literature speaking in regular prose or verse. For example, Malvolio, a butler, attempts prose in the beginning but changes to speak in verse like, ââ¬Å"Daylight and champain discovers not more: this is open. I will be proud I will read politic authors,â⬠(2.5.155-157). Iambic pentameter shows control and yet the emphasis here is on the instability and the intensity of class difference. Thus, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s manipulation of regular iambic pentameter to create differential approach to the field of play each character has. This inherently configures a reflection of his unique voice, and this leads readers to think that, in literature, voice is distinct and unique to develop a persona. à à à à à à à à à à à Another literary device that commonly found in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Twelfth Night is soliloquy, which involves a character speaking his or her thoughts aloud. The ideas conveyed by the actor are a way providing information from Shakespeare own point view on certain situations. In 2.2 of Twelfth Night, Viola, disguised as Cesario, conveys her realization of the mistakes she caused due to her disguise: Disguise, I see, thou art a wickedness, Wherein the pregnant enemy does much. How easy is it for the proper-false In womenââ¬â¢s waxen hearts to set their forms! à à à à à à à à à à à Alas, our fraility is the cause, not we, For such as we are made of, such we be. How will this fadge? My master loves her dearly,And I, poor monster, fond as much on him,And she, mistaken, seems to dote on me.What will become of this? As I am man,My state is desperate for my masterââ¬â¢s love.As I am woman, now, alas the day,What thriftless sighs shall poor Olivia breathe! (2.2.26ââ¬â38) à à à à à à à à à à à This soliloquy serves a purpose of developing context outside of the literal play. In real life, people donââ¬â¢t typically speak their thoughts aloud when alone. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of soliloquy is a active interpretation of what the audience does not yet understood. Thus, the conscious choice to use a soliloquy is representative of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice because, it develops Shakespeareââ¬â¢s style of presenting mental or non-visible information to become visible to the audience. Soliloquy adequately conveys the strength of Shakespeare to back audience into the scene of play through understanding of the event. Secondly, it develops in a way where Cesario is aware of the whole plot and takes on a role in knowledge as an audience. Furthermore, this foreshadows of how there will be a conclusion to untie this lie, and chaos Viola has created through her disguise. These complex ideas are voices for Shakespeareââ¬â¢s readers to notice through his voice beyond the literal sound of the play. à à à à à à à à à à à A complex idea beyond the authentic voice of the play also develops the style that is distinct to Shakespeare. In the same scene, Shakespeare also personifies the concept of a ââ¬Å"disguiseâ⬠to render a style of narration. Shakespeare uses apostrophe, and aside or address inanimate objects as though they are alive. For example Cesario concludes that ââ¬Å"Time,â⬠which she addresses as a character, must unravel this madness, as she cannot undo Oliviaââ¬â¢s confusion, ââ¬Å"O, Time, thou must unravel this, not Iâ⬠(2.2.39). In this soliloquy, Caesario highlights the weakness of women, the subjectivity of love and the conflicts presented by appearance versus reality. The use of monologue, apostrophe and iambic pentameter in combination create Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice. It sets his writing apart from other writers who present a similar plot. For example, Ewon Leslieââ¬â¢s Sheââ¬â¢s the Man incorporates scenarios from Twelfth Night but is written in an entire different voice and style. Both presenting a story plot of a woman in disguise of men creating a chaotic love web, Sheââ¬â¢s the Man, is different as the literal voice was of modern English. Which does not use poetry, soliloquy, nor personification. Through examining Shakespeareââ¬â¢s use of personification and soliloquy, audiences can see that idea of voice is unique on its own and cannot be imitated. à à à à à à à à à à à In fact, it is not only a unique concept to developing a figurative voice for Shakespeare, but also a voice in writing. ââ¬Å"It is one of the last of the Elizabethan comediesâ⬠¦reflecting the anxieties and uncertainties of its historical moment,â⬠and ââ¬Å"first seventeenth century comedy, and is in many ways a beginning -of-century play, inaugurating a new poetics: some commentators have been it as the first of the ââ¬Ë dark comediesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Elam 2). This explained through his scene, which prepares us for dramatic irony when Maria, Sir Andrew, and Sir Toby write the letter to Malvolio, under the pretence of Olivia. à à à à à à à à à à à Maria à à à à à à à à à à à I will drop in his way some obscure epistles of love; wherein, by the colour of his beard, the shape of his leg, the manner of his gait, the expressure of his eye, forehead, and complexion, he shall find himself most feelingly personated. I can write very like my lady your niece: on a forgotten matter we can hardly make distinction of our hands. As we, the audiences are aware of the deception, because Malvolio himself is not aware of it when he finds and reads the letter during Act 2, Scene 5. Presuming the letter is for him, and from Olivia, he proceeds to embarrass himself. This structure of the voice develops as Shakespeare style in dramatic irony where the audience becomes important to the play. Voice here holds a distinct figurative role to incorporate audience into understanding voice of Shakespeare. A further technique that is commonly used by Shakespeare and is, therefore, representative of his voice concerns the way in which he in corporates the audience into play. According to Keir Elam, Twelfth Night, ââ¬Å"pleasures and trials of spectatorshipâ⬠(Elam 3). By having spectatorship and asking audience for appraisal, establishes the use of dramatic irony. Audience is present and indulging in the same space as the characters through the lines: Sir An. Here comes the fool, iââ¬â¢ faith. Look, here comes a fool. Fes. How now, my hearts! Did you never see the picture of ââ¬ËWe Threeââ¬â¢? Hello, my friends! What a pretty picture, three fools all together. Sir To. Welcome, ass. Now letââ¬â¢s have a catch. (2.3.12-17) Taking this even further, Shakespeare typically uses a fool to breaks the fourth wall. The fool is present in this piece as he is in many of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays; for example, Puck in A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream invites the audience to be with them. This analysis of the way Shakespeare uses tone, mood, style and figurative techniques through the fool to demonstrate his thin king and logic provides further insights reflecting his personality and ability to manipulate what is perceived. However, in Sheââ¬â¢s the Man, a movie that ââ¬Å"relate only to the plot of the work, the poetry and character being all his ownâ⬠(Hudson 8), the fool is the audience (not a character). The story presented in Sheââ¬â¢s the Man has every potential to be another copy of Twelfth Night because it shares a similar plot. Referencing stories outside set Twelfth Night apart from Sheââ¬â¢s the Man, such as that Twelfth Nightââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"setting of the play, Illyria , as an exotic and unfamiliar location associated with literary romance, lyricism, and illusion,â⬠(Entland, 149). However, the way it is written, its voice, sets it aside from Twelfth Night, which was very much a play written for characters to perform. à à à à à à à à à à à This leads the audience to form the conclusion that voice is something that is expressed and received by the initiator and a receptor. As such, it was important for Shakespeare to develop a style that was unique to him as, through his writing, he expressed himself: his voice was an extension of his thoughts, feelings and emotions. Through using a combination of technique and language, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice conveys his opinions, likes, and interests to set up the mood.In fact, the place cannot be found because it is a myth. Thus, voice become unique in bringing the reader to notice outside information that interests the author. Another interesting concept that is presented through the voice of Twelfth Night is the social classicism turn around and move to talking about Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice of who he is.. In Twelfth Night, the characters fail to adhere to social expectations: ââ¬Å" how community diagnoses madness when a person f ails to perform his known identityâ⬠¦ member of a particular class as wellâ⬠(Schiffer 234). Rise of people who will form the bourgeoisie class matter due to crumbling of aristocrats. à à à à à à à à à à à The play contains a trick on a set of individuals who think they are exercising power and control. Malvolio, a mere butler, perceives himself to be superior to Toby, an alcoholic aristocrat and Maria, a servant. Toby, though an aristocrat, does not exhibit much power initially, but in the end does have most of the power. Toby and Mariaââ¬â¢s letters ultimately drive Malvolio out of control. This demonstrates the modernist revolution in the arts during the late Renaissance in the service of the avant-garde. And possibly reflect Shakespeareââ¬â¢s stance in studies was open to movements such as structuralism and feminism. à à à à à à à à à à à In addition to the literal elements of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice that are described in the lines of Act 2 Scene 2, there are also figurative aspects that set his work apart from that of other playwrights and authors. According to Christine Ashby, a language researcher, the production of voice and its use as a tool are separate from the thinking of the individual. Figurative voice represents the voice of the person expressed through their idea, concept or logic. Twelfth Night is a play about the ââ¬Å"dramatization of currently fashionable issues such as gender and sexualityâ⬠(Elam 2). This adheres to the famous recurring plot that is typical of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays as expressed through the idea of a love triangle, star-crossed lovers, where women is deemed to be powerless when it comes to love. For example, Act 2 Scene 2, Viola expresses how women are subjects to love for men. This derives from a larger social commentary outs ide of the play. Conclusion à à à à à à à à à à à Through assessing the work of Shakespeare, voice can be both literal and figurative. It reflects the authorââ¬â¢s thoughts, desires and provides insights into what the author would like the audience to think, or how he or she would like them to receive the play. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s voice is reflected in his unique style and techniques. The aspects of his work that sets him apart from others work in combination to give his work his voice. Examining Shakespeareââ¬â¢s work has refined definition of voice as an accurate literal sound of the writer, distinct figurative role, a unique commentary. References Ashby, Christine. ââ¬Å"Whose ââ¬Å"Voiceâ⬠Is It Anyway?: Giving Voice and Qualitative Research Involving Individuals That Type to Communicate.â⬠Disability Studies Quarterly. Syracuse University, 2011. Web. 06 Dec. 2014. . ââ¬Å"Glossary of Literary Terms.â⬠HUNTER COLLEGE READING/WRITING CENTER WRITING FOR ENGLISH COURSES. Ed. Anna C. Rockowitz. Hunter College Reading/Writing Center, 1998. Web. 5 Dec. 2014. . Hudson, Henry N., Rev. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will. Boston: Ginn, 1895. Print. Schiffer, James. Twelfth Night: New Critical Essays. Abingdon, OX: Routledge, 2011. Print. Shakespeare, William, and Elizabeth Story Donno. Twelfth Night, Or, What You Will. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985. Print. Shakespeare, William, and Keir Elam. Twelfth Night, Or, What You Will. London: Arden Shakespeare, 2008. Print. Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will. New Haven: Yale UP, 1954. Print. Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare. London: J. M. Dent, 1935. Print. The New Temple Shakespeare. Sheââ¬â¢s the Man. Dir. Andy Fickman. Prod. Lauren Shuler-Donner and Ewan Leslie. By Ewan Leslie. Perf. Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum, and Laura Ramsey. DreamWorks Distribution LLC, 2006. ââ¬Å"Voice.â⬠Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. . Source document
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